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Tussle for Deputy MB post

The proposed Selangor Deputy Mentri Besar’s post is an open competition among three of the four DAP state assemblymen who are expected to be made state executive councillors.

They are Ean Yong Hian Wah (Seri Kembangan), Ronnie Liu (Pandamaran) and Teresa Kok (Kinrara).

The fourth suggested executive councillor, Lau Weng San (Kampung Tunku) is out because he is considered a junior who lacks experience.

Once again left out in the cold, although he is the most experienced DAP state assemblyman with a proven track record as an astute state government watchdog, is former opposition chief Teng Chang Khim (Sungai Pinang).

DAP’s Ean Yong recently confirmed that, apart from requesting the four executive councillors positions, the party would also seek to have one of its exco members appointed Deputy Mentri Besar.

Together with the PKR and PAS, the opposition parties won 36 seats to form the new state government compared with the 20 seats won by Barisan Nasional.

However, Kok’s audience with the Selangor Sultan yesterday fuelled speculation that she was also in the running.

When reporters asked about the Deputy Mentri Besar candidate, she said nothing had been confirmed and it was not discussed during her audience with the Sultan.

She added that the Selangor Deputy Mentri Besar and list of state executive counciLlors for the new state government would be decided perhaps by the end of this week.

Kok said Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah wanted to know if DAP supported the selection of PKR secretary-general Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as the Mentri Besar and if the three parties could work together to form a stable state govermment.

Liu also said no decision had been made yet on who would be Deputy Mentri Besar. He added that even the names of the four DAP state assemblymen touted to be made excos was mere speculation.

When asked by reporters why Teng was left out, despite his excellent track record of exposing wrongdoings that contributed to the downfall of two previous mentris besar, Liu repeated that nothing had been confirmed.

When told that many people felt Teng was a suitable choice to be made Deputy Mentri Besar, Liu replied: “One has to identify who the people are, are they his people, or my people, or who?”

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